Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Still Pregnant...

Just a little update....I'm still pregnant but I can tell my body is getting ready! My pelvic region has been super sore the past two days so I'm sure that's a sign that the bones and what not are widening in preparation of a little (or big!) body descending through there. I have developed the waddle, simply because it hurts to walk! I had cramps all day yesterday and started having contractions around 4:45 that lasted till 8:00 or so. They never got into a rhythm or got any stronger, so they were just the good ol' braxton hicks variety. I've been a bit crampy today but have only had a few contractions. I still haven't lost my mucus plug or had the bloody show, but I'm on the lookout for both! lol...

At my appointment last Thursday, I was only 1 cm dilated but 80% effaced. My doctor was very happy with that progress, especially with the effacement. I'm anxious to see where I'm at this Thursday, even though my last cervical check HURT! =(

Speaking of's my last day at work! I'm tired of everyone asking, "You're still here?!", "Are you ready?", or "How are you feeling?" I will be using vacation leave until she arrives, at which time I will go on family/medical leave for 12 weeks which is deducted from my accumulated sick leave.

We are getting excited...."nervous anticipation" as the hubs puts it...for her arrival. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This makes me chuckle....

...especially since we're probably not having any more. (Hopefully this doesn't offend any of you. )

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Maternity Shoot & Misc Updates

A couple of weeks ago, when I was one day shy of 36 weeks, I had a maternity shoot. I wanted some professional pics, just for us, to capture this once in a lifetime experience. The photographer took oodles of pics, but these are the only ones I plan on ordering. She is also doing a newborn shoot for us around 1 week of age. I have a feeling we'll be purchasing a lot more of those!

My favorite is the picture with the little shoes on my belly. There's a story behind it, which could be why. Right after the photographer placed them there, she rolled or something and one of the shoes started to topple off my stomach! She had to put in back in place to take the picture.

I also really like the one in the Cubs jersey. Again, another story behind it! You see, this is the jersey my husband was wearing the night we met. In all honesty, I was actually drawn to the jersey first (I'm a Cubs fan)....then realized the guy IN the shirt was pretty cute. ; ) So really, had it not been for the jersey...we might not be where are today!

I am currently 37 weeks, 5 days....17 days from my due date! I'm very achy during the night and in the morning, but once I get moving around I feel pretty good. I do get uncomfortable as the day goes on, but that's to be expected. I read the message boards on Baby Center though and I think either I have it really good or they're major drama queens. They're bitching about everything....from the weather to their husbands to their baby name it and there's a "Another Vent!" post. lol....

I am down to weekly doctor visits now. At last week's appointment she checked my cervix for dilation and I wasn't dilated at all, not even .5 cm! She did say it was soft and she's head-down which is good news. Being dilated means nothing, really. You can walk around for weeks at 3 cm. I hadn't been having Braxton Hicks contractions until this past week. I haven't had a lot of them, and they haven't been too painful either. And to be honest, I'm not sure that's what the feeling is anyway! lol... She might just be moving weird or something. Her movements have become quite painful in the past weeks since she's getting bigger and stronger and running out of room. I have another appointment today so we'll see if I'm still 'tight as a clam.'

While my baby bump isn't sticking out as far as others at my stage, it is very wide. I'm solid from side to side. This leads my doctor to think she might be a "bigger than average" baby. Great! lol... I asked what that meant and she said an 8 lb baby vs a 7 lb baby. However, she didn't clarify whether that was an 8 lb 2 oz baby....or an 8 lb 15 oz baby! As long as she doesn't have a big ol' head and broad shoulders (like my husband), I'll be alright. When I told him that he asked, "So you'd prefer the body of a punter to a linebacker then?" lol.... Exactly! ; )

I have a bag packed which includes clothing for me and my husband and I also packed her diaper bag with some sleepers, hats, socks, two 'coming home' outfits (in case the dress that I wore home is too small for her), and her baby book (have to get her footprints/handprints in there).

We had the carseat bases installed last week, so that's taken care of, too. The infant seat is in her room with the bags, so we'll just have to grab them and go.

There's still two things we need to assemble...the travel crib (small pack 'n play we'll use for the first few weeks in our room) and the swing. The swing can wait till after she arrives, but we do need to get the travel crib put together so we're not doing it after she comes home. Perhaps this weekend we can do that.

I think I've rambled enough, so I'll wrap this up by saying that quite possibly, the next time I post...will be to announce Miss Brianna's arrival! =)