Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Still Pregnant...

Just a little update....I'm still pregnant but I can tell my body is getting ready! My pelvic region has been super sore the past two days so I'm sure that's a sign that the bones and what not are widening in preparation of a little (or big!) body descending through there. I have developed the waddle, simply because it hurts to walk! I had cramps all day yesterday and started having contractions around 4:45 that lasted till 8:00 or so. They never got into a rhythm or got any stronger, so they were just the good ol' braxton hicks variety. I've been a bit crampy today but have only had a few contractions. I still haven't lost my mucus plug or had the bloody show, but I'm on the lookout for both! lol...

At my appointment last Thursday, I was only 1 cm dilated but 80% effaced. My doctor was very happy with that progress, especially with the effacement. I'm anxious to see where I'm at this Thursday, even though my last cervical check HURT! =(

Speaking of's my last day at work! I'm tired of everyone asking, "You're still here?!", "Are you ready?", or "How are you feeling?" I will be using vacation leave until she arrives, at which time I will go on family/medical leave for 12 weeks which is deducted from my accumulated sick leave.

We are getting excited...."nervous anticipation" as the hubs puts it...for her arrival. Stay tuned!


Amanda said...

It still amazes me that you are about to have your baby! Sounds like she is getting ready to make her appearance into the sunny world! I can't wait to "meet" her and see pics. Glad you are feeling fairly good, all things considering... :-)

Anonymous said...

Nervous anticipation is totally normal! And if it's any consolation, I think these nine months have flown by. You're doing great Mama!

Hazel said...

Glad you were able to check in! I've been thinking about you!