Sunday, March 1, 2009

Family Birthplace Tour

In September, 2008, the hospital where our daughter will be born opened their new Family Birthplace. We'd heard very good things about it and how nice it was but we had no idea how great it truly was. Kid you not...we've stayed in hotels that weren't as nice as the two private suites we will be in. The whole addition is beautifully decorated and just has a warmth about it. There are lots of pictures of babies and families on the walls and inspiring quotes.

Upon arrival to the hospital we will be checked into a labor & delivery room. In the room is a couch that pulls out into a bed, a flat screen tv, and a dvd player. There is also Wi-Fi throughout the hospital, so we can bring out laptop to pass the time if we wish. My favorite thing was in the bathroom...a HEATED toilet seat! lol... I wish I had that here at home! =)

I will remain in the labor & delivery room until after she's born. I assumed I would be taken elsewhere for the actual delivery, but that's not the case. She will be born in that room and will remain with me the entire time, unless she needs to go have tests done or go to the NICU. Below is a pic of one of the labor & delivery rooms.

A few hours after delivery I will be transferred to a post-partum room. It also has the pull-out couch, flatscreen tv, and dvd it has a very nice rocker recliner and a mini-fridge. The hubs says he will bring a home brew to enjoy. =) Besides being able to order food (I looked through the menu and mmmmm....), we will have 24-hour access to a hospitality suite which had several snack and beverage items, all of which are free. Here is a pic of one of the post-partum rooms.

The rooms are nice and spacious and plenty of roomy for visitors, but there are also a couple of areas for them to hang out (if we get tired of them, as the nurse put it). One of them is a living room setting with a fireplace, couches and chairs. The other is more like a general waiting room area but has a nice flat screen and a computer for them to use if they want.

After the tour was complete we went up and visited my coworker's daughter who gave birth two days earlier. It was nice to see a room "in action" or whatever and not just an empty one. We each held her baby and surprisingly enough...she didn't cry at all! lol.... It was kind of surreal actually....I mean in just 4 months I'll be in that bed and we'll be holding our own daughter. All I can say is Wow.


Amanda said...

Okay, so I think I'm going to have a baby in Lincoln now!!!! :-) That's a really nice setup!

K @ Running Through Life said...

Holy Moly!!! First class all the way!

Hazel said...

WOW! That place is unbelievable! I'm a bit jealous!

Sorry I'm so late on responding - I'm not even sure I ever congratulated you on being pregnant with a girl! How exiting! Only 4 months? Where has the time gone?

RooBabs said...

Wow, are you giving birth in a hospital or a palace? That place is fancy! But it looks nice and inviting, unlike normal hospital rooms with their institutional beige walls and such. Plus, there is so much space! I remember visiting my sister-in-law a year and a half ago, and she had a private room, but it was about half the size of my bedroom at home (which isn't big at all!) and with 5 of us in there, it was crowded.

I can't believe July is only 4 months away! I still feel like it's the middle of winter (maybe because we got a big snowstorm on Monday, but still).