I get together with a group of 6 friends one night each month for dinner and we call it GNO (Girl's Night Out). Last night we met at Famous Dave's and to my surprise, they threw me a baby shower! =) I was very shocked...and thrilled!
Here's a list of what we received:
- the bouncer we registered for. =)
- a yellow and pink blanket that will be perfect to bring her home in since it's nice and lightweight (it'll be hot, remember!)
- a bedtime book
- a cover to use on wooden high chairs at restaurants, a bib ("I Love Mommy") and a toy to keep her entertained on her first "baby's night out" with the hubs. ; )
- hooded towel and washcloth set with a bunny on the part that covers the head.
- a pink coat made of soft faux-suede material and lined with sheepskin with a hood and a pouch/pocket in the front to keep her hands warm (not that she'll understand that and actually put them in there, but it's super cute anyway).
- a fuschia lightweight ribbed turtleneck sweater and matching corduroy overalls with a zebra print on the pockets.
- a giant rubber ducky. Seriously. And when I say giant, I mean the size of a basketball. The girl who gave it to me wasn't able to make it, which is probably good, because I'm sure I had that "WTF?" look on my face after I opened it. I looked in the wrapping to see if there was something else with it like a towel, baby wash...something to explain it but there was nothing. Just a huge duck! The other girls were like, "I wouldn't put that in the bathtub with her, it'll scare her!" lol.... This friend (also my cousin) has been trying to get pregnant since 2004 with no luck and they are now looking into adoption. I'm thinking now that the reason she wasn't able to make it last night was because it would've been too hard for her since she's very upset about not being able to have kids of their own. So perhaps shopping is too tough and she just grabbed the first thing she saw or something. I really don't know. But the duck is going to straight to the basement, out of sight. It even scared our dog! My husband's comment was, "Where's the 8-person hot tub that goes with it?" since you always see rubber duckies in hot tubs when they're for sale. lol.... If you know someone who is into rubber duckies, by all means let me know and I'll mail it to them. ; ) Or Shanna....perhaps you want it for your new hot tub?! lol...
On another note, the DIY shelf is almost done....now we just need to paint it. I originally wanted it pink and bought pink paint....but now I'm thinking I want to paint it a dark brown to match the furniture in the room. We need to go to Home Depot soon anyway so I'll look for some there. We decided we want to repaint the living room, hallway and foyer of our house and we have the paint picked out, we just need to go buy it. Our plan is to paint next weekend. I'll post pics eventually, and of the nursery once the shelf is up.
We're heading to my in-laws house in Iowa tomorrow for Easter. This will be our last road trip before she's born. I still can't believe July is just around the corner!
I hope you all have a safe, happy and blessed Easter! =)
How awesome! Yeah, the duck thing is weird - but you're right, it was probably really hard for her to go shopping. (It's hard for me to do stuff for friend's babies because we've been trying for so long)
That is so sweet! Sounds like you got some great gifts (minus the scary duck)! I think you are right and it's probably a difficult time for her.
I can't believe July is almost here. I bet you and your husband are so excited to meet your baby girl!
Hi, it's me- finally! Things at work have been really slow the last couple days, so why not catch up on blogs, right?
How nice of your friends to throw you a surprise shower! The duck story is totally weird, but that made me laugh about the hot tub. I'm sure the Hubs would get a kick out of it, since he's usually out there by himself these days.
Now that people know we're having a girl (did you by chance notice on Facebook?) they're starting to give us stuff. My sister went crazy and gave me a whole bag of clothes on Mother's Day- she's the one who has 2 kids, but she's so excited to finally be an aunt, LOL! It's kind of fun to have people give you so much stuff that you need when you have a baby. Otherwise, there's no way we could afford it.
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