Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Doctor's Visit

I went to my regular doctor this morning and was very disappointed with my visit. All he did was ask very basic questions like when was my last period (Sept. 29), have I taken a home pregnancy test (yes), was it positive (yes), how many I took (1), and if the pregnancy was planned (no). I'm not sure why he asked that last question and it kinda bugged me. Why does it matter now? Then he sent me for bloodwork to confirm the pregnancy and said his office would call with the results. That was it. He didn't even tell me congratulations! I felt very uneasy when I left.

His office called back a little while ago with the blood tests and confirmed what we already knew...I'm indeed pregnant! Since this morning's visit didn't go as I thought it would, I have decided to take my uterus elsewhere and have my future visits with an OB/GYN. The daughter of a co-worker is pregnant with her second child and I remember her saying how much she really likes her and how down-to-earth she is. I went ahead and told her the news (she's excited) and she gave me the doctor's name.

I called and visited with the receptionist...who congratulated me, by the way...and she made me an appointment next Wednesday, November 5th. It's just with one of the nurses and will be mainly to gather medical history. Another nurse called just a while ago and asked some more basic I taking prenatal vitamins (yes), how am I feeling (fine other than my breasts are super tender), have I experienced any bleeding (no) or cramping (yes...and she explained why) and also what the first appointment will be like. She said I will receive so much information that I'll have to "have a hammer to bang it all in with." Alrighty then! She also told me congratulations and to call if I have any questions between now and next week. I feel like I am going to be in good hands.

I won't see Dr. Placek until December 17th when I am roughly 12 weeks along. She will do a Doppler ultrasound and we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat. =) I asked the nurse if we would get to see him/her and she said that an image ultrasound won't be done until I'm 20 weeks along, which is somewhat disappointing. We aren't planning to tell family and friends until Christmas (I want to get through the first trimester), and I wanted to frame a picture of an ultrasound to give to the grandparents as a way of breaking the news. I'll have to figure out another way, which is not a big deal.

I'm looking forward to my appointment next week and will share how that goes.


RooBabs said...

Hi Marcie!

Congrats again. That sucks about your regular doctor. I was just about ready to tell you to get a new doctor. Good for you!

Even if your doc doesn't do an image ultrasound until 20 weeks, you might be able to find a place that does them. Here in SLC, we have a place called Fetal Fotos, adn they actually do 3-D pics of the baby. It's really cool.

Anyway, good luck, and I can't wait to keep reading. = )

AmyH said...

So can I officially call you the "hottest mama" I know??? We have LOTS to celebrate!! Congrats and shhhh....!!!!

K @ Running Through Life said...

Congrats again!!!

ptg said...


I had two ultrasounds done, one at around 12 weeks to check development, and another at 20weeks to verify development and sex of the baby. Like the other poster said, there are a LOT of places that you can get 3D photos of the baby in utero. We did it at around 32 weeks with the Pnut.