Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Five Weeks, Four Days

I met with a nurse/pregnancy educator at my new OB 's office today. Her name is Bonnie and she was really nice...though loud! We were in a very small room but she was talking loud enough for a lecture hall! lol...

My new due date is July 5. The July 1 date came from a web site that used my LMP (last menstrual period) and the number of days in my menstrual cycle. When the doctor's office calculated the due date, they don't figure in your normal cycle (mine is only 23 days), so that's why the date is a few days later. But either way, we can expect him (or her) the first week of July.

I received lots of information and free stuff...even a "dad approved" diaper bag. It's black with tan trim. I'm excited to get home so I can go through everything because I haven't had a chance to yet.

She asked me how things have been going and if I'm experiencing any cramping, which is normal. I haven't had cramps really for a few days, but I get a stabbing sensation on the left side of my abdomen so I mentioned that to her. I haven't felt it since Monday, but up until then I'd had it nearly every day I think and a couple of times a day. She was concerned about that so the next time it happens I have to call the office and report it. More than likely I'll have to go in and get an ultrasound done to make sure nothing is wrong. I just thought it was "round ligament pain," which I've read a lot about or just growing pains from my uterus getting larger. So now I'm a little worried and hope that it doesn't happen again.

I'm starting to have a few food more turkey sandwiches for me. The smell of it about made me gag yesterday and after one bite, I couldn't do it. My yogurt later in the afternoon was hard to choke down, too. So far I haven't vomitted and I hope I don't!

That's all for now...


kikimonster said...

I'm going to visit one of my prego friends this weekend, and I'm kind of hoping and praying that she isn't put off by coffee. I think I'll cry if I can't drink coffee until Sunday night!

Looks like you'll be having a patriotic baby :)

Amanda said...

Sounds like everything is going great! You'll have to post a pic of the diaper bag ~ how nice to get free stuff!

RooBabs said...

Glad the nurse was nice, and gotta love getting free stuff.

That's too bad that you're having food issues already- especially turkey, what with Thanksgiving coming up.

K @ Running Through Life said...

Sounds like things are going great and yay for free stuff!